- DISHA Stands for Directorate of Induction and Selection in Holistic Approach, DISHA Cell Placed under Directorate of Personal Officer-3 and operative at Air Headquarters(Vayu Bhawan) is constantly involved in spreading awareness amongst the youth regarding career opportunities in the officers cadre in Indian Air Force. To achieve the aim DISHA exploits all the media sources viz print, audio visual, electronic, outdoor, as well as one on one interaction through Motivational talk/ career fairs road drive to attract the bet talent for selection as an officers in different branches in Indian Air Force. DISHA also coordinate with BOC(Beauro of communication Outreach) erstwhile DAVP (Directorate of Audio Visual Publicity) as the Single Window for Publishing Advertisement of the entire Indian Air Force in Print Media. Over a period of time DISHA has installed numerous of Publicity Hoardings/ Billboards to create awareness amongst the youth of India these are installed at different location including Defence establishments, universities campuses, colleges, Schools and other key locations. in the country In addition to this DISHA also manage and maintain this career website and different social media Handles Direct Link provided in this website. You can follow these Social media Handles to stay updated among various opportunities as an officer in IAF you can also fill up enquiry form available at website and provide your consent.
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